Friday, 15 March 2013

Time for Change

The exhibition be developers Artisan certainly gives the impression that they have listened to the many concerns raised about the previous Mountgrange plans in producing a revised layout for part of the site, preserving some of the historic buildings, views and streets around the City of Edinburgh Council owned land on East Market St.

Allan Murray's latest layout for the site

The  renewals to ALL the consents is still due to be considered at a hearing by CEC's 
Development Management Sub-committee on Wednesday 20th March
This Committee starts at 10am at the City Chambers and is open to the public.
CEC Acting Head of Planning has recommend GRANTING consent for each the 15 separate applications which are listed under Item 6 of the Agenda despite this being clearly out of step with the latest placemaking and heritage policies, community development and heritage advice, and recent consultations and community engagement results.

Its clear that most of the existing consents are no longer considered appropriate or desirable, even by the developer so surely now it is time for Councillors to stand up for some democracy in planning and refuse the Section $2 applications thereby allowing the old consents to expire in October and focus efforts on bringing forward and agreeing appropriate new consents for the site

There is another opportunity to see the proposed revisions in detail at Canongate Venture from 10am till 12.30pm tomorrow Saturday 16th March 

Streetwise Soccer will also be holding a one day free sports event on Saturday the gapsite  
for more info on poster below

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