Tuesday, 5 February 2013

How to Object!

There is only 4 days left to comment on all 15 applications (the 21 day consultation period ends on Friday 8th Feb)
Objections can be made online through the planning portal by registering (and log in) then using these reference numbers to access the relevant applications.

Hotel and conference centre

Canongate Venture

The Hotel and demolition of Canongate Venture, the Ark and Canongate flats
  1. Renewal of demolition consent for Canongate Venture 13/00100/LBC
  2. Renewal of planning consent for demolition of 2 listed buildings, 18 flats and 2 shops to provide for a 5* Hotel and conference centre (PA5) 13/00091/FUL
  3. Renewal of demolition consent for The Old Sailors Ark, 231 Canongate 13/00101/LBC
  4. Renewal of demolition consent for McRae tenements, 221 -229 Canongate 13/00106/FUL
  5. Renewal of demolition consent for Common Good Market building 13/00103/FUL

    Common Good Land and Jeffrey St Arches 
  6. Renewal of planning consent for demolition of Common Good Market building to erect 5 storey office block on East Market St (PA6) 13/00092/FUL
  7. Renewal of planning consent to redevelop Arches and erect 6 storey offices on Cranston St and 4storey building on East Market St for leisure, bar, restaurant uses (The Malcom Fraser block PA7) 13/00093/FUL
  8. Renewal of Listed Building consent to refurbish Arches and erect 4 storey block for retail/bar/returant/offices (PA7) and realign Cranston St 13/00102/LBC
  9. Renewal of Listed Building Consent to allow alterations to north gable wall of Cranston St/Jeffrey St tenements (link to PA7) 13/00107/LBC

    The Malcom Fraser block

    The Podium and office block
  10. Renewal of consent to erect Podium structure (foundations and underground car park for offices and private housing) on New st Gap site (PA2) 13/00085/FUL
  11. Consent to vary conditions to Podium consent to allow early implementation in advance of submitting details on archaeology, boundary treatments and footways (PA2) 13/00094/FUL
  12. Renewal of planning consent to erect Office block on gap site which will also house carparking and district heating system (PA3) 13/00088/FUL
  13. Consent to vary conditions to allow early implementation of development, in advance of submitting information on the proposed sustainability management system, archaeology and footway required for the office block (PA3) 13/00095/FUL

    new residential street

    Luxury flats and Canongate breakthrough 
  14. Renewal of consent to erect mixed private housing blocks along eastern edge of the site serviced by car parking and district heating from Podium. Includes, additional offices, bars, restaurants and retail units, a Public Square behind the hotel and demolition of existing flats on Canongate (PA4a) 13/00090/FUL
  15. Consent to vary conditions on private housing (PA4a) to allow early implementation, in advance of submitting details on sustainable management, archaeology, boundary treatments and construction details 13/00096/FUL
To comment by post or email, please write to the addresses below ensuring you include the following:
  • The date
  • The name and address of the sender
  • The reference number (or numbers) of the application(s)
  • The address of the site (Caltongate Development site or East market St/New St)
  • Your comments/ grounds for objection
David Leslie (d.leslie@edinburgh.gov.uk) Head of Planning and Building Standards, Services for Communities, Level C5, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8B

Make sure you keep a record of your submissions and copy it to the planning officers (daniel.lodge@edinburgh.gov.uk and jennifer.paton@edinburgh.gov.uk) and send details of your objections to your local councillors/MSPs.

Some possible reasons to object -
you think the planning consents should lapse because the plans are now out of date with the most recent heritage, planning for sustainable development, and national placemaking policies.
you think the economic benefits proposed by the Mountgrange scheme are no longer valid and a reasonable justification to demolish 2 Listed buildings 18 structurally sound and much needed homes and publicly owned buildings which can provide much needed affordable business space, has not been presented.
you believe the consents should lapse as the new developer has expressed concern that they are no longer viable and extending the life of these consents may prejudice new more sustainable and viable plans being progressed and implemented.
you believe the original objections made on grounds of unsustainable development which is out of step with planning guidence still apply as the development will seriously damage the historic, economic and cultural environment, yet the case for demolition is no longer valid
you believe the proposed development has been proven to be no longer a credable plan for regeneration and the sale of public land to facilitate the development will not achieve best value for the site or good placemaking for the City.

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