Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Caltongate is back!

Bad news today that Caltongate is back on the cards.

Todays article in the Evening News clearly contradicts the committment made by Edinburgh Council who last year agreed at their Economic Development Committee to withdraw all assets from the Caltongate deal as

"The PDS (Physical Development Support) team will now attempt a new regeneration
approach which will see two new mixed use buildings at the corners of
Cranston Street and East Market Street as well as the revitalisation of Market
Street arches. The former Caltongate School, which is listed, would not be

The Caltongate scheme and the associated land sales by the council have been widely critisised since its inception by community, heritage and architectural groups as unsympathetic, unsustainable and illegal! Following the report last year that an alternative approach would be undertaken, some believed that a more mature and transparant debate could be had on the future development of the Gapsite and the renewed use of empty buildings. 

Unfortunately it looks like despite the recognition that the recession is a direct result of the bursting of an unsustainable property bubble, CEC's Economic Development department are continuing with 'business as usual' so now are busy working a deal up to accommodate whichever developer the Administrators choose. It seems any alternative schemes and proposals will be overlooked as CEC Planners are too scared to chance discussion on further planning applications or support the community's calls for retaining and reusing public assets.